Colorado Bar Association CLE

CBA-CLE is an independent nonprofit corporation organized in support of the

Colorado and Denver Bar Associations to provide continuing legal education in Colorado.

Faculty Consent Agreement

Faculty Consent

CBA-CLE is committed to providing quality programming for Colorado attorneys and professionals. We offer live seminars, webinars, and video and MP3 home studies. Without your support, CBA-CLE would not be able to provide the variety of services for our attendees and members. Please note that by submitting your materials to CBA-CLE you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions. 

Terms and Conditions

1.    CBA-CLE acknowledges that you are the owner of the materials, whether you choose to copyright your materials or not. CBA-CLE does ask that you notify our organization if you decide to reprint or reuse your materials;

2.    Your participation in the live program grants CBA-CLE permission to video and audio record your presentation and to utilize these recordings in a manner consistent with CBA-CLE’s current policies;

3.    CBA-CLE acknowledges that your materials are original;

4.    As owner of the materials, you warrant that the use of the materials by CBA-CLE does not violate the proprietary or personal rights of others, and will not infringe upon anyone else’s existing copyright;

5.    You may choose to utilize/include materials authored by another individual/entity, however, you must obtain reprint permission and comply with any specifications from the owner/author regarding reprint permission;

6.    CBA-CLE may use the materials on a nonexclusive basis;

7.    By participating in this seminar, you grant CBA-CLE permission to: reproduce and distribute your materials in a collective manner to seminar participants for the live program, home study, or online programming; and reproduce, resell and distribute your materials and presentation in a manner consistent with CBA-CLE’s current policies, either in a collective manner or as an individual work.