Workers’ Compensation Spring Update 2019 - Featuring Pre-Litigation and Litigation Tracks!
March 2019
Workers’ Compensation Spring Update 2019 - Featuring Pre-Litigation and Litigation Tracks!
Co-sponsored by the Colorado Bar Association Workers’ Compensation Section
Program Description:
- Case Law Update
- The NEW DIME Rules
- Perjury and Your Ethical Obligations
- TRACK 1 - Pre-hearing Conference Fundamentals
- TRACK 2 - Be Prepared for Your Hearing — Key Tips
- TRACK 3 - Effective Mediation and Negotiation
- TRACK 1 - Effective Presentation at the Appellate Level
- TRACK 2 - Effectively Use Your Limited Hearing Time
- TRACK 3 - Evidentiary Issues and Effective Use of Objections
Friday, March 22, 2019
8:00 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:25 am
Welcome and Introduction
Moderator: Frank M. Cavanaugh, Esq., Of Counsel, Lee & Brown LLC
8:30 am
Case Law Update
Presented by R. Mack Babcock, Esq., The Babcock Law Firm LLC, and Katherine H.R. Mackey, Esq., Ruegsegger Simons & Stern, LLC
Moderator: Honorable Craig Eley, Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation
9:30 am
The NEW DIME Rules
The Rule Changes; New Forms; The Division’s Comment on Enforcement
Presented by Jennifer Loucks, Compensation Insurance Specialist II, DIME Unit, Office of Administrative Courts, and the Honorable John H. Sandberg, Administrative Law Judge, Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation, Prehearing and Settlement Conference Unit
10:20 am
Networking Break
10:30 am
Perjury and Your Ethical Obligations
Defining It; What to Do When You Suspect It; Your Ethical Obligations and Potential Exposure; How the Rules of Professional Conduct Tie into the Workers’ Compensation Fraud Statute
Presented by the Honorable William Edie, Colorado Office of Administrative Courts
12:00 pm
Lunch on Your Own
1:30 pm
Prehearing Conference Fundamentals
Discovery and Effective Resolution of Issues; Proper Presentation of Privilege Logs at the Division of Workers’ Compensation; Proper Presentation of Relevant Motions—What Do the Prehearing Administrative Law Judges Prefer?
Presented by the Honorable Laura Broniak, Administrative Law Judge, Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation, Prehearing and Settlement Conference Unit and the Honorable Michelle Sisk, Colorado Division of Workers’ Compensation
Networking Break
2:30 pm
Be Prepared for Your Hearing—Key Tips and Techniques to Win Your Case
Effective Presentation of Pertinent Issues in Pre-Hearing Medical Depositions; How and When to Use Depositions at Hearing; Effective Cross-examination of Witnesses and Experts; How Properly Object During a Deposition and How to Preserve Your Objections; When to Argue Your Objections at Hearing
Presented by John Sbarbaro, Esq., Law Office of O'Toole & Sbarbaro, P.C., the
Honorable Richard Lamphere, Supervising Judge, Southern Regional Workers’ Compensation Unit, Office of Administrative Courts, and Rich Bovarnick, Esq., Ritsema & Lyon, P.C.
3:20 pm
Negotiating and Mediating Workers’ Compensation Disputes
Common Challenges / Effective Tactics
Presented by the Honorable Russell Carparelli (ret.), AB Conflict Resolution Services
1:30 pm
Effective Presentation at the Appellate Level
Appellate Tips When You are Presenting to ICAP and the Court of Appeals; Writing Fundamentals for Workers’ Compensation Issues; New and Frequently Violated Appellate Rules with Properly Formatted Briefs
Presented by the John Connell, Esq., Of Counsel, Burg | Simpson | Eldredge |
Hersch | Jardine, Harvey Flewelling, Esq., Associate General Counsel and Appeals Counsel, Pinnacol Assurance, and the Honorable Daniel Taubman, Colorado Court of Appeals
2:20 pm
Networking Break
2:30 pm
Effectively Use Your Limited Hearing Time
Depositions vs Live Testimony – How to Make That Decision? Should You Make an Opening Statements? If so, when is the Best Time to Present Your Outline of the Case? Closing Arguments vs. Position Statements – Is One Better Than the Other?
Presented by Mark Elliott, Esq., The Elliott Law Offices, PC, and Matthew Tills, Esq., White and Steele, P.C.
3:20 pm
Evidentiary Issues and Effective Use of Objections
Correct Use of Business Records; Learn How to Correctly Lay a Foundation; Properly Set up Inconsistent Statements; Learn How to Impeach a Witness by Using a Prior Inconsistent Statements
Presented by Marsha Kitch, Esq., Kitch Law Firm, P.C., Jason Young, Esq., Pearl Schneider Young LLC, and Britton Morrell Esq., Kaplan Morrell
4:20 pm
Registration Fees
Non Member | $359.00 |
CBA Member | $329.00 |
CBA Workers' Compensation Law Section Member | $279.00 |
Paralegal/Legal Support Staff | $229.00 |
New Lawyer Edge Partner | $164.50 |
ELITE Pass Holder | $0.00 |
- General Credits: 7.00
- Ethics Credits: 1.50
- EDI Credits:
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Sponsor Information
- The Changes to Rule 16: Prior Authorization and Denial
- Cumulative Trauma
- The Inside Track at the Division of Workers’ Compensation