Better Appellate Writing, Briefing, and Oral Argument

May 2013
Join the Honorable John Webb on -
Better Appellate Writing, Briefing, and Oral Argument
Program Highlights:
Past participants benefited from their experience-
“Very informative and time well spent.”
“Judge Webb presented a great program.”
“Exceedingly helpful.”
“Excellent written materials.”
Judge Webb will let you know in practical ways how to-
- Write clearly and effectively
- Draft a winning brief
- Give a powerful oral argument
Program Description:
Spend the morning with Colorado Court of Appeals Judge John Webb, who will show you how to -
- Express yourself clearly and effectively in your written documents and at oral argument
- Use well-built cairns to make it easy for the appellate court judges to follow your position
- Give a powerful oral argument, including how to handle questions from the bench.
Your day also includes an interactive in-class writing exercise, so you can practice your new skills immediately.
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM
Welcome and Introduction
9:10 AM - 10:00 AM
Writing Clearly and Effectively
- Use "road maps" and "sign posts"
- Eliminate legalism
- Rely on directional language
- Avoid passive and tentative language
In-class writing exercise
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Writing Exercise Review
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Networking Break
10:30 AM - 11:20 AM
Drafting a Winning Brief
- Employ a thematic approach
- Select winning issues
- Frame issues persuasively
- Let the facts tell your story
- Use precedent effectively
11:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Powerful Oral Argument
- Distinguish between argument and briefing
- Get and keep the court's attention
- Manage time effectively
- Handle questions from the bench
- End with impact
12:10 PM - 1:00 PM
Appellate Ethical Issues
- Applicable ethical Rules
- Whether to file the appeal
- Conflicts of interest unique to the appeal
- Prosecuting the appeal
1:00 PM
Meet Your Presenter
Honorable John R. Webb
Colorado Court of Appeals
Denver, CO
Judge John Webb was appointed to the Colorado Court of Appeals in 2002. Judge Webb has served on the Colorado Supreme Court Standing Committee on Rules of Civil Procedure, the Colorado Supreme Court Standing Committee on the Rules of Professional Conduct, the Judicial Ethics Advisory Board, and The Colorado Lawyer Board of Editors. He is a frequent lecturer and contributor to continuing legal education programs on appellate practice and ethics. He has authored numerous articles, including: Revisiting the Recovery of Attorney Fees and Costs in Colorado, 33 Colo. Law. 11 (April 2004); Fraud and Negligent Misrepresentation Tort Theories and Employment Law, 29 Colo.Law. 79 (June 2000); and many others.

Location Information
CLECI Large Classroom
1900 Grant Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80203
Get directions
Registration Fees
Non Member $229.00
CBA Member $199.00
Paralegal/Legal Support Staff $199.00
CBA Litigation Section Member $179.00
New Lawyer - Not a Litigation Section Member; in practice < 3 years $149.00
New Lawyer - CBA Litigation Section Member; in practice < 3 years $79.00
  • General Credits: 4.00
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00
  • EDI Credits:

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Start Date - End Date
May 23, 2013
Start Time - End Time
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Event Location
CLECI Large Classroom
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