25 Credibility Arguments: Depos & Trial

May 2006
The 25 Credibility Arguments for Deposition and Trial featuring nationally recognized speaker Robert Musante!
About the program:
Based on the logic that trial is argument, deposition is trial, and deposition is argument, there is no such thing as a "discovery" deposition. ALL depositions are trial depositions. In EVERY adverse deposition, cross-examiner's central goal is to craft credibility arguments that settle cases or win trials. The focus of this seminar is a uniquely valuable -and entertaining- analysis of the most-difficult-to-master credibility arguments: the 12 "reasonables," which are vital to the execution of great adverse depositions or a great trial cross-examinations.
The Agenda:
8:00 a.m.
8:30 - 10:00 a.m.
- Introduction re error, lie, and deception - Primer re deposition logic and seminar lingo
- Primer re "The Magnificent Seven": the crucial techniques
- 25 attacking and supporting credibility arguments
- Overview to the "Reasonables"
10:00 - 10:10 a.m.  Break
10:10 - 11:20 p.m.
- Witness's action not reasonably consistent with knowledge⁄motivation
- Witness unreasonably deviated from a practice
- Witness unreasonably deviated from a precedent or subsequent
- Witness not reasonably knowledgeable
11:20 - 11:30 p.m.  Break
11:30 - 12:30 p.m.
- Witness not reasonably considering
- Witness not reasonably reasoning
- Witness not reasonably motivated
- Witness not reasonably emotional
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.  Lunch
1:30 - 2:50 p.m.
- Witness not reasonably remembering
- Witness's memory unreasonably good
2:50 - 3:00 p.m.  Break
3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
- Witness unreasonably question-dodged
- Witness's characterization unreasonably overstated⁄understated
- Witness's values failed the "good citizenship" test
4:30 pm.  Adjourn  
Robert Musante is back!  See what past attendees had to say about Mr. Musante's last Colorado presentation:
This is an excellent class and should be mandatory before ever taking a depo. Musante is perfect: very energetic and engaging. Will improve my depos 100%. - Kerri Anderson, 1-yr atty, 10 adverse depos, Denver
This is the best one-day deposition seminar I have attended. Very good practical content supported by good examples. Musante is superior. - Bill Keating, 32- yr atty, 750+ adverse depos, Denver
Outstanding. By far the best seminar re depositions I have ever attended ... every bit as good and informative as the Irving Younger seminar I attended some 20+ years ago. - Steve Polidori, 25- yr atty, 100s of adverse depos. Denver
Without question, this seminar was the best I've attended. Outstanding practical content; outstanding instructor. I have been a slave to the "stupid orthodoxy" ... up to now. I will never again save impeachment for trial. - Fred Haines, 19- yr atty, 100+ depos, Denver
Best CLE I have taken on practice tips. Musante's different approach to depositions is energizing and very helpful. Entertaining, engaging and energizing...great class! - Patricia Dean, 11-yr atty, 50+ depos, Denver
By far the best CLE program I've attended. In fact, the best lecture on cross-examination and litigation I've attended. Practical content very high. The strategies and advice are extremely practical. Great presentation and extremely entertaining. - Andres R. Guevara, 5-yr atty, 10 depos, Denver

Location Information
Sheraton Hotel Colorado Springs
2886 South Circle Drive
Colorado Springs, CO
Get directions
Registration Fees
CBA $209.00
LITIG $199.00
  • General Credits: 8.00
  • Ethics Credits:
  • EDI Credits:

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Start Date - End Date
May 10, 2006
Start Time - End Time
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Event Location
Sheraton Hotel Colorado Springs
Calendar Reminder