Time Mastery for Lawyers

August 2011
Time Mastery for Lawyers
This workshop will enable you to:
- Eliminate time stress
- Get over 100 practical ideas - at least one has to apply to you!
- Create a balance between your work life and personal life
- Work with greater productivity and satisfaction
- Comply with Code of Professional Conduct  (Ethics!)
8:30 - 9:00 am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 10:30 am
- Self-analysis: What happens to my time?
- Understanding how to change - and doing it!
- Work on what counts rather than what comes up
- Become accountable for your time
- Delegate - You can do it!
10:30 - 10:45 am
Networking Break
10:45 am  - 12:15 pm
- Plan your life
- Plan your work
- Stop having your work encroach on your personal time
**Ethics: Client-lawyer relationship -  Communication
- Work your plan: Control interruptions
- Control addictive email behavior
- Communicate proactively with clients and in the office
- Eliminate time waste in meetings
- Pause for perspective, creativity and well-being
12:15 - 1:15 pm
Lunch - on your own
1:15 - 2:30 pm
- Manage the phone
- Get and stay in control of your work
- Go home satisfied every day
**Ethics: Client-lawyer relationship-Competence and diligence
- Get and stay organized
2:30 - 2:45 pm
Networking Break
2:45 - 4:00 pm
- Handle anxiety
- Handle incompletion: Get things done
- Handle procrastination
- Foster better time management for the whole office
- Convert intentions into action
4:00 pm
Frank Sanitate is president of Frank Sanitate Associates in Santa Barbara, California, which he established in 1977. He and his firm develop and present transformational workshops for professionals. He has conducted his workshops in every state in the U.S. and every province in Canada -- teaching tens of thousands of lawyers, CPAs, CAs and other professionals. He has presented his premier workshop Time Mastery for Lawyers in 9 countries. In Australia his presentations cover every state except one.
He has published Don't Go To Work Unless It's Fun: State-of-the-Heart Time Management and also Beyond Organized Religion; An Ex-Monk Revisits Life's Basic Questions. He was previously a manager at the American Institute of CPAs. He graduated from Catholic University of America, Cum Laude, with a BA in English. He has an MBA from Florida Atlantic University.
Video Replays: September 14, 2011
Denver: CLE Classroom, 1900 Grand Street, Suite 300
Grand Junction: 1250 East Sherwood Drive
Colorado Springs: 421 South Tejon Street, Suite 100

Location Information
CLECI Large Classroom
1900 Grant Street, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80203
Get directions
Registration Fees
Non Member $249.00
CBA $199.00
New Lawyer $169.00
CBA Associate Mem $169.00
  • General Credits: 7.00
  • Ethics Credits: 2.00
  • EDI Credits:

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Start Date - End Date
August 26, 2011
Start Time - End Time
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Event Location
CLECI Large Classroom
Calendar Reminder