Introduction to Collaborative Law

June 2020  
Introduction to Collaborative Law  
A training brought to you by Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals and Powered by CBA-CLE
Program Description:
The program will provide an introduction to the Collaborative Divorce process for attorneys, financial professionals, neutrals, and coaches. Learn how to make the mindset shift necessary to become a settlement expert and help your clients achieve long-term resolution for their families.
This program is LIVE ONLY, and registration is limited. Sign up today!
Upcoming Programs:
Family Law Institute
August 20 -22, 2020
Vail Marriott Mountain Resort  

8:00 - 8:30 am
8:30 - 8:45 am
Welcome and Introductions of Participants
8:45 - 10:00 am
The Big Picture: What is Collaborative Law and the Collaborative Process?
Presented by Terri Harrington, Esq., Harrington Brewster Mahoney and Smits PC
10:00 - 10:15 am
Networking Break
10:15 - 11:15 am
The Players: An Interdisciplinary Model and the Paradigm Shift
- Panel discussion, role play, questions and group discussion
Panel Discussion Participants: Sandi Gumeson, CPA (California license), CDFA ®, Wellspring Divorce Advisors, Meggin Rutherford, Esq., Rutherford Law Center LLC, Arnold (Arnie) Swartz, Esq., Arnold Swartz and Associates, and Tamara Vincelette, Esq., Tamara K. Vincelette, P.C.
11:15 - 11:45 am
Presenting the Collaborative Option to a New Client
- Role play the first client meeting with a collaborative lawyer
Presented by Tamara Vincelette, Esq., Tamara K. Vincelette, P.C.
11:45 - 11:55 am
Pick up Box Lunches (Included in your tuition)
11:55 am - 12:35 pm
Discussion of Role Plays
Facilitated by CCDP Board Members and Training Faculty
12:35 - 12:45 pm
Post-Lunch Break
12:45 - 1:15 pm
Interest Based Negotiations and Making Good Agreements - Key Concepts for Collaborative Law
Presented by Cynthia E. (Cyndi) Brewster, Esq., Harrington Brewster Mahoney and Smits PC
1:15 - 1:30 pm
Networking Break
1:30 - 3:25 pm
Role Plays and Practice with Attendees
Facilitated by Meggin Rutherford, Esq., Rutherford Law Center LLC
3:25 - 3:40 pm
Networking Break
3:40 - 4:30 pm
Ethics Issues in Collaborative Law
Presented by Danaé D. Woody, Esq., Woody Law Firm, LLC
1 Ethics Credit
4:30 - 5:00 pm
Questions and Debrief
5:00 pm
Location Information
CBA CLE East Classroom
1290 Broadway #1700
Denver, CO 80203
Get directions
Registration Fees
Non Member - professionals with 5+ years of professional practice $200.00
CBA Member - professionals with 5+ years of professional practice $180.00
Non Member - professionals less than 5 years experience in practice $150.00
CBA Member - Professionals with less than 5 years experience in practice $150.00
  • General Credits: 8.00
  • Ethics Credits: 1.00
  • EDI Credits:

To join the CBA or add a Section to your membership click

Start Date - End Date
June 18, 2020
Start Time - End Time
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Location
CBA CLE East Classroom
Calendar Reminder


Sponsor Information

  • Learn about the Collaborative Divorce process, the Collaborative team model, and how can you integrate Collaborative Law into your practice
  • Discover the benefits of Collaborative Divorce
  • Explore the ethics of Collaborative Law