Criminal Law Spring Update - CANCELLED
March 2019
Criminal Law Spring Update:
Tools for Effective, Efficient, and Extraordinary Lawyers
Program Description
The best lawyers are happy and healthy lawyers. The Criminal Law Spring Update will give you several key tools to improve efficiency and effectiveness and maximize happiness.
As criminal law practitioners, you face unique challenges, juggling large caseloads and regularly working with people who are under a great amount of stress, whether they are defendants, witnesses, victims, law enforcement personnel, or opposing counsel. Prosecutors and defense attorneys, as “helping professionals,” face risks of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. This program will address the unique demands you face as criminal law attorneys and judges, and present solutions and strategies to assist you in cultivating resilience.
The Spring Update will provide you with tangible takeaways that you can implement immediately to improve your workday, and assist you in improving your work-life integration.
Topics Include:
- Managing High Email Volume
- The Pursuit, Enhancement and Maintenance of “Happinesses”
- Well-Being for Criminal Law Attorneys
- Time Management: Create a Focused and Distraction-Free Environment
- And More!
Register today!
8:30 – 8:50 AM
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:50 – 9:00 AM
Welcome and Introduction
9:00 – 10:00 AM
Inbox Ninja - Tools and Techniques for Managing High Email Volume
Lawyers and staff are generally drowning in email and you may often feel helpless when trying to get it under control. In this seminar, we'll outline methods for managing, organizing, storing and sharing email (and attachments) electronically without printing them. Microsoft Outlook will be used as an example program, but it doesn't matter what program you use. We'll also show you our favorite add-on programs for Outlook and Gmail.
Presented by Barron K. Henley, Esq. (remotely)
10:00 – 10:10 AM
Networking Break
10:10 – 11:20 AM
The Pursuit of “Happinesses”
Well-being, like intelligence, is multi-faceted and multimodal. Just as there are different types of intelligence (intellectual, emotional, interpersonal, visuo-spatial, etc), there are multiple types of well-being and happiness, and multiple approaches to building and strengthening these aspects of life. An increase in our “happinesses” capacity also increases our resilience in the face of the challenges of professional life. This presentation summarizes current empirical and clinical knowledge regarding pursuit, enhancement and maintenance of “happinesses.”
Presented by Dr. Jon Richard, PsyD
11:20 AM – 12:00 PM
Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Law: Where We are Now and Where are We Going?
We stand at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. Artificial Intelligence (AI) will disrupt fundamental aspects of nearly every industry, and automation is already augmenting or replacing many categories of employment. The practice and nature of criminal law will evolve as the opportunities and challenges posed by AI increasingly affect everything from the nuts-and-bolts practice of law, to profound questions of potential criminal liability for machine intelligences and their creators. This presentation will provide a high-level overview of what artificial intelligence is, how it affects the practice of law right now, and how it may transform the public perception of criminal culpability in the future. You will learn about some of the AI tools available now to assist your practice, and also challenge your mind think about what it means for the theory of criminal law when humans are no longer the only entities who the public believes are capable of intentionally committing crimes.
Presented by Matthew Linton, Esq.
12:00 – 1:10 PM
Lunch on Your Own
1:00 – 1:15 PM -
Chair Yoga (No CLE Credit)
Chair yoga will refresh your mind and body, getting you ready to return to classroom learning. Yoga Instructor Leanne Maciel, Brew You Wellness, will lead you through gentle yoga stretches while you are seated in an office chair. Chair yoga opens shoulders, stretches the neck and hips, and helps to relax wrists and hands. You will learn tips to easily integrate into your day on a regular basis.
Led by Leanne Maciel
1:15 – 2:30 PM
Well-Being for Criminal Law Attorneys - 1.5 Ethics Credits
To be a good lawyer, you must be a healthy lawyer—stress, depression and substance abuse lead to lawyer incompetence, poor client service and decreased public trust. This presentation will focus on:
- The Neurobiology of Stress
- Stress Unique to Criminal Law Attorneys and Strategies to Address Your
Unique Challenges
- Understanding and Learning How to Mitigate Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue
- Colo. RPC 1.1, 1.2, 4.2 and 8.4(b)
Presented by Erin Kristofco, Esq., Justin (J.P.) Moore, Esq., and Sarah Myers, Esq., LMFT, LAC
2:30 – 2:45 PM
Networking Break
2:45 – 4:00 PM
Create a Focused and Distraction-Free Environment
Squeezing more hours out of your day is not always possible. If your workload is growing, and you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed, then this is the right talk for you. In this session you will learn how to manage your time and energy to lower your stress, increase your productivity, improve work performance and find more balance in your life. You will learn how to plan your days and weeks strategically, prioritizing tasks, saying “no” to nonessential tasks, delegating, limiting distractions and ultimately becoming a more efficient and productive attorney.
At the end of the session, you will be able to:
- Quickly identify and dispense with time-wasters
- Adopt practical and current techniques for organizing work
- Delegate more often and work more effectively
- Limit electronic communication to its most productive uses
- Plan and prioritize calendars to meet deadlines
- Find work/life balance
- Manage Stress
- Learn how to use your energy to increase productivity
Presented by Stephanie Wachman
4:00 PM
Registration Fees
Non Member | $359.00 |
CBA Member | $329.00 |
CBA Criminal Law Section Member | $299.00 |
Paralegal/Legal Support Staff | $229.00 |
New Lawyer Edge Member | $164.50 |
CBA CLE ELITE Pass Holder | $0.00 |
- General Credits: 6.00
- Ethics Credits: 1.50
- EDI Credits:
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- Seating is Limited, So Register Today!