Book Title: Evidence in Colorado - A Practical Guide,Third Edition
Managing Editor: Jake C. Eisenstein
Publisher: CBA-CLE Books (CLE in Colorado, Inc.)
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN-13: 978-1-949831-45-0
Page Count: 706
About the Book:
Evidence in Colorado: A Practical Guide, 3rd Edition is a useful guide to introducing evidence in Colorado. Chapters contain foundation requirements for each type of evidence, as well as sample examinations to illustrate how to get evidence admitted. The book contains leading cases, a discussion of the rules of evidence, and many practice pointers giving concrete advice. An appendix contains both the Colorado and Federal Rules of Evidence for the reader's convenience.
The 3rd Edition includes:
- Text and discussion of recently amended CRE 404, 803, and 901;
- Discussion of new notice requirements for prosecutors under CRE 404(b);
- Additional discussion of Confrontation Clause issues;
- Updated case law throughout the book
Evidence in Colorado: A Practical Guide is updated as needed. Each update is released as a new softcover edition.
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