Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) & Colorado's Durable Medical Power of Attorney (DMPOA) Out of Stock
Co-Sponsored by the Trust & Estate Section of the Colorado Bar Association
Estate planning often entails making arrangements for end-of-life medical care. Additionally, with the passage of Colorado End-of-Life Options Act seven years ago, individuals can formalize choices concerning how their final passing will take place. This panel will call upon experts in the hospice, medical, and legal fields to offer their advice and experience. There may not be an easy answer, but the question is an essential one for legal practitioners to ponder.
CBA-CLE will email webinar access information 24-48 hours before the program.
Home studies will be available 2-3 weeks following the live program.
CBA-CLE is committed to providing access, equal opportunity, and reasonable accommodation in its services, programs, and employment. To request an accommodation please contact [email protected] at least 14 business days in advance.
The program is accredited in Colorado. CBA-CLE staff can provide a Uniform Certificate of Attendance, and it is the attendee's responsibility to complete the accreditation outside of Colorado.
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Medical Aid in Dying (MAiD) and Colorado’s Durable Medical Power of Attorney (DMPOA): How do we best assist our client?
Panelists include M. Carl Glatstein, Esq., Glatstein & O’Brien LLP; Barbara Morris, MD; and Catherine A. Silburn, Esq., Rocky Mountain Elder Law, LLC
Moderated by Elizabeth Kearney, Esq., Elizabeth Lamb Kearney, P.C.
- CLE Pass Price *FREE! - exclusions may apply
- Standard Price $75.00 USD
- Member Price $55.00 USD
- General Credits 1.00
- Ethics Credits
- EDI Credits