Erin . Pier Ed.S
Transformative Justice Project of ColoradoErin Pier, Ed.S, is an Executive Director of the Transformative Justice Project of Colorado, where she co-leads the Community Cares program, supporting system-impacted youth aged 10 to 25 with mental health, education and court-related needs. With a background as a school psychologist and a deep commitment to antiracism and justice, Erin has been honored to support TJP through its recent transition from Colorado Juvenile Defender Center into a direct-service organization on a mission to abolish the school-to-prison-pipeline. As an Executive Director, she leads development, marketing and advocacy. Her leadership on the Community Cares program has supported a significant reduction in legal system impact among youth. Erin holds an undergraduate degree in Special Education from Saint Louis University and an Education Specialist degree in Child, Family & School Psychology from the University of Denver.