Lisa . Hall
LH Counseling, Inc.Lisa Hall, LMFT, is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist of over 30 years. She has specialized in adolescent, individual, and family therapy, including marital therapy, separation, divorce, litigious high conflict divorce, parent coaching and education, systemic family therapy, support groups, parent-child relational issues, and other areas. Lisa is an advocate for children's mental health in the community, speaks on many mental health topics to audiences of all kinds, including corporations, and provides consultation and expert testimony in domestic relations cases. Lisa served as the President of the Boulder Interdisciplinary Committee on Child Custody and is active in several other domestic relations organizations and causes, including the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. Lisa was selected to create and participate in a pilot program in the 8th Judicial District on a multidisciplinary team for children. She has walked alongside many people who have experienced domestic relations litigation, witnessing and treating the trauma and impacts to litigants and their families as well as working on multidisciplinary teams of professionals.