Aaron . Schur

Aaron Schur, Esq., is General Counsel at Yelp, a platform enabling millions of consumers to share reviews, photos, and other information about local businesses. He joined Yelp in 2010 as one of the company's first lawyers and led Yelp's litigation strategy for over a decade, helping obtain precedential decisions protecting the rights of platforms to publish the content of their users, and the rights of those users to speak freely online. These decisions include Hassell v. Bird, 5 Cal. 5th 522 (Cal. 2018) (Section 230 shielded Yelp from order compelling removal of third-party reviews), Kimzey v. Yelp, 836 F.3d 1263 (9th Cir. 2016) (Section 230 immunized Yelp's display of third-party reviews and ratings) and Yelp v. Hadeed Carpet Cleaning, 289 Va. 426 (Va. 2015) (Court lacked jurisdiction to compel enforcement of subpoena seeking to identify anonymous reviewers). Aaron also oversees Yelp's government relations and user operations teams. Prior to Yelp, Aaron practiced law at the firms of Bingham McCutchen LLP and Arnold & Porter LLP. Aaron has a B.A. from UC San Diego, an M.A. from Central European University and a J.D. from NYU School of Law.