Richard . Krenmayer
Stasmayer, IncorporatedRichard Krenmayer is the Co-Founder and CEO of Stasmayer, Incorporated, a Managed IT and IT Security company. He attended the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth with his business partner, David Stasaitis, where they both received a B.S. in Business Information Systems and started Stasmayer. As cybersecurity continues to evolve and come to the forefront of everyone’s mind in business, Rick has given multiple speeches and CLEs to provide a call to action on the subject. He is also a co-author for the latest edition of the South Carolina BAR’s Paralegal Survival Guide having written the section on cybersecurity. In his other life, Rick is a professional songwriter and performer since age 6, enjoys traveling to new places around the world, being a weather hobbyist, reading lots of books, speaking other languages and always learning more, all while raising his two sons, who’s interest in machines dwarfs his own interest in business and technology.