Mitch . Tanenbaum

Information Risk Strategy Consulting
Mitchell J. Tanenbaum, Owner, Information Risk Strategy Consulting, has been involved in information systems - software development, operations, architecture, and strategy for over 30 years. Working in the financial services (Mercury Companies) and defense industries for most of that time as Chief Information Officer (Texas Industries Defense Systems), Chief Technical Officer or Chief Information Security Officer, information security and privacy has been a critical part of the services he has delivered to some of the world's largest banks and the Department of Defense.  
As an independent consultant, Mitch assists organizations in creating and implementing their cyber risk mitigation strategies, starting with enterprise risk assessments. As hackers have morphed from teenagers in their parents' basements to nation-states, and from fun pranks to business-threatening breaches, CEOs and Boards now have to rise to the occasion. Mitch acts as a trusted advisor to organizations as they deal with the new realities of cyber risk.