Michael R. Greco

Fisher & Phillips LLC
Michael R. Greco, Esq., is a partner in the Denver office of Fisher & Phillips LLP, a national labor & employment law firm where he is also a senior member of the firm's Employee Defection and Trade Secrets Practice Group.  Mr. Greco has litigated hundreds of non-compete and trade secret disputes in nearly all fifty states.  In addition to litigating, Mr. Greco assists corporate clients in developing and implementing coordinated local and/or national programs to protect their competitive assets against departing employees, and to minimize risks that arise when hiring employees from competitors.  He is also an accomplished speaker having spoken on numerous occasions, including at the AIPLA Trade Secrets Summit at Intel's corporate headquarters.  Mr. Greco has written extensively on non-compete and trade secrets issues, and he regularly contributes content to a non-compete/trade secret dedicated blog, www.noncompetenews.com.