Michelle . Mieras

Michelle Mieras, J.D., LL.M., CTFA, is the Personal Trust Market Manager at BOKF NA Private Wealth, where she leads a team of experienced trust officers and relationship associates. With her team, she collaborates with investment managers, all departments of BOKF (e.g., real estate, mineral management, tax), CPAs, attorneys and other professional advisors to assist personal trust clients with their financial needs, interests, goals and legacies. She has previously served as the Chief Fiduciary Officer, the Fiduciary Risk Manager, and in the trust officer roles with other financial institutions. Prior to leaving the billable hour behind to pursue the myth of work-life balance, Michelle practiced law, focusing on estate and trust planning, administration and litigation. Michelle is an active member of the Colorado Bar Association's Trust and Estate Section (Statutory Revisions Committee, Orange Book Forms Committee, numerous subcommittees) and various local estate planning councils, and a graduate and Executive Council member of the Colorado Bar Association Leadership Training Program. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Denver Graduate Tax Program.