Melissa . Markey Esq
Hall Render Killian Heath and Lyman PLLCMelissa L. Markey, Esq., is a shareholder with Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, one of the nation's top health law firms, in the Denver, Colorado office, and is licensed to practice as an attorney in Texas, Michigan, Utah, and Colorado. Melissa's practice focuses on cybersecurity, privacy and life sciences issues, particularly mobile medical applications, innovations in health technology, and research misconduct. She leads the Life Sciences team at Hall Render and has a particular interest in legal issues at the developing edge of technology. Ms. Markey is a paramedic, was on the Board of Directors and is now a Fellow of the American Health Lawyers Association and is a member of the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). She is a nationally recognized author and presenter on data privacy and security, clinical research and human subject protection, the clinical-technology interface, research misconduct, and emergency preparedness and response law.