Jean-Charles . Gregoire

Marks & Clerk LLP
Jean-Charles Gregoire is a partner with Marks & Clerk in Canada. JC specializes in securing patent and design protection for various technologies, including high tech, mechanical, and consumer products. He has been active with preparations for legislative amendments, participating in technical reviews of draft patent and design legislation, and speaking before members of the Law Society of Ontario and the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC). He serves as vice chair on IPIC's patent practice committee and AIPPI's Canadian standing committees on patents and designs. JC obtained a B.A.Sc. in electrical engineering with a specialization in telecommunication and a law degree from the University of Ottawa. Prior to joining Marks & Clerk, JC spent a year studying electrical engineering at the University of Stuttgart, worked as an intern at a financing and commercialization facility, and practiced for several years in patent prosecution and IP litigation. JC is also a registered patent agent in Canada.