German E. Velasco

Velasco Outreach LLC
German Velasco, is educated in the US and in South America, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design and Planning from the University of Colorado at Boulder, a Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the Universidad Mayor de San Andres. Extensive regional planning experience and public policy. Worked for The World Bank and with International cooperation organizations including JICA-Japan and OCCD, Canada. Served at several public posts in his native Bolivia. After returning to the US in 2010, he founded Velasco Outreach, offering Cross-Cultural Competency Training, Facilitation, and Leadership Coaching. Co-founder of Colorado-based non-profit La Mano Amiga, an organization devoted to life-advancement education of under-served individuals living in the US. He is a Board member of CDR Associates, Boulder; an organization providing facilitation for contentious projects around the world in transportation, water and land management.