Rachael Z. Ardanuy
RZA LegalRachael Ardanuy, Esq. is a cannabis business attorney licensed in Colorado, Florida, and New Jersey and the founder of cannabis business law firm RZA Legal. She began her legal career in Florida where she focused on representing clients in the areas of estate planning, probate, guardianship, family law, and civil and criminal litigation. Since relocating to Colorado in 2015, Ms. Ardanuy has dedicated her career to advising, educating, and advocating for entrepreneurs, business owners, investors, and anyone else connected to the cannabis industry, to see her clients succeed and to continue pushing the cannabis industry forward. Ms. Ardanuy is the chair of the Colorado Bar Association Cannabis Law Section for 2021-2022 and frequently presents on the laws, regulations, and policies effecting licensed cannabis businesses and the intersection of cannabis legalization and estate planning.