Eric M. Johnson
2nd District CourtThe Honorable Eric M. Johnson was appointed to the Denver District Court by Governor Polis in 2019. Prior to his appointment, Eric practiced federal immigration law in District and Circuit Courts across the U.S. A recognized expert in the intersection of criminal and immigration laws (“crimmigration”), he taught attorneys and advised clients across the nation on this and other immigration-related topics. During this time, he worked with a team that successfully proposed and lobbied for numerous common-sense statutory changes designed to help the immigrant community in Colorado and their employers. Prior to his immigration practice, Judge Johnson was a Deputy District Attorney in the 17th and 1st Judicial Districts for a combined 16 years. After a 6-year stint in the Air Force, he obtained his law degree from Tulane University, with Honors and Order of Barristers. Judge Johnson is a long-time supporter and member of the Colorado Hispanic, Colorado LGBT, Sam Cary, Denver, and Adams/Broomfield Bar Associations. Since 2020 he has published The Moss Report on judicial ethics for judicial officers in Colorado.