Earl J. Wilder IV

Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel
James Wilder, Esq., is Assistant Regulation Counsel for the Colorado Supreme Court Office of Attorney Regulation. Mr. Wilder works in the intake division where he investigates allegations of lawyer misconduct pursuant to the Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct and allegations of the unauthorized practice of law. Mr. Wilder graduated from the University of Denver College of Law in 1997 and completed an LLM in Competition and Regulation with the University of Leuphana in Luneberg, Germany in 2022. Prior to joining the OARC in 2014, Mr. Wilder clerked for the Honorable Edward A. Simons of the Denver District Court and was an associate at two medium-sized law firms before opening his own practice in 2005 focusing on real estate litigation where he worked until joining the OARC. In addition to English, Mr. Wilder speaks German, French and Spanish and handles the Spanish-speaking complaints in the OARC.