Richard R. Young

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Richard R. Young, Esq., is past Co-Chair of Holme Roberts & Owen's Litigation Practice Group and has been the managing partner of the Colorado Springs office for 20 years. He has been resolving disputes through litigation, arbitration, mediation, and negotiation for more than 40 years. Many of those cases involved claims for very substantial amounts of money, e.g., a dispute arising out of the construction of the Staples Center in Los Angeles, and a dispute involving delays in the construction of a natural gas processing facility on the north slope of Alaska. Other cases have involved important constitutional questions, e.g., the right of religious organizations to property tax exemptions. Still others have been matters of intense public interest, e.g., representation of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency in doping cases against Tour de France winners Lance Armstrong and Floyd Landis, Marion Jones, and other gold medal winners involved in the BALCO doping scandal.