Paul . Jones , Esq.

Law Office of P. Andrew Jones
A Colorado native, P. Andrew Jones graduated from Colorado State University in 1994 and Vermont Law School in 1997. He has been a partner in the firm of Lawrence Jones Custer Grasmick LLP since 2004, where his practice concentrates on water rights, natural resources, and environmental issues, with particular emphasis on ground water matters and legal issues arising out of the interaction between surface and ground water systems.
His practice includes the representation of water districts, individuals, and corporate clients in litigation at trial and appellate levels in cases ranging in size from individual water rights matters to complex, basin-wide, multi-party litigation. He is also active in legislative, administrative, and policy forums, where he represents clients’ interests in the development of water law and policy. He was appointed by the chief justice of the Colorado Supreme Court to serve on the court’s standing Water Court Committee. He teaches classes on water rights issues and is a frequent guest speaker in educational forums. His first book, Colorado Water Rights for Non-Lawyers, written in cooperation with Thomas V. Cech, was published in 2009 by the University Press of Colorado.