Chris . Radeff
Radeff & Hart PCChris Radeff, Esq., is a partner at Radeff & Hart, P.C., a Jefferson County law firm practicing exclusively in family law. Chris is regularly appointed state-wide as a Sorensen Guardian ad litem for incapacitated adults in domestic and civil matters. She has served on several Supreme Court working committees over the past 10 years regarding best practices for a Sorensen Guardian ad litem. Also as part of her practice she has testified as an expert in attorney's fees. Chris, along with co-creator Mark Chapleau, have been regular presenters at FLI, including previous game-show presentations of Jeopardy! and Family Law Feud. Chris also regularly presents at other CLE programs on various topics in family law. As a very active in the 1st JD Bar Association, she has served twice as its President in the past 17 years. She currently is the Chair of the CBA Family Law Section Legislative Committee, and is Chair of the Jefferson County Access to Justice Committee.