Phil J. Shuey
Phil J Shuey PCPhil J. Shuey, Esq., is a Past Chair of the Colorado Bar Association Solo/Small Firm Section, has been a member of the CBA Long Range Planning Committee, and a Co-Editor of the Law Practice Management/Technology columns for the Colorado Lawyer. He is a Past Chair of the Law Practice Management Section of the American Bar Association as well as an Inaugural Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management. He was a five-time Chair of the ABA's TECHSHOW™ and has been a speaker at fifteen ABA TECHSHOW conferences. He has served on two ABA Presidents' Advisory Committees. He has served as Chair of the LPM's New Media and Internet Board, Vice Chair of the Futurists Committee, and is a past member of the ABA's Standing Committee of Technology and Information Systems (SCOTIS). He is President and CEO of Shuey Robinson, a technology and international change management/strategic planning consulting group. His professional practice is split between consulting and general law practice. He received his B.A. from the University of Colorado, and a J.D. from the University of Denver College of Law. He has taught at the University of Colorado School of Law and at the University of Denver College of Law. Mr. Shuey has written for many publications, including the National Law Journal, the New York Law Journal, Legal Economics, Law Practice Management, The Compleat/Complete Lawyer, The Practical Lawyer, Law Technology News, The Colorado Lawyer and various state and local bar publications, and has been quoted in the American Bar Association Journal, MSNBC, The Denver Post, The New York Post, The Denver Business Journal and the Wall Street Journal. He previously served as the Coordinating Editor for the Technology in the Law Office/Law Practice Management column He has lectured regularly for the American Bar Association and at over 50 state and local bar associations, throughout the United States and Canada. He was the keynote speaker for a Canadian Bar Association Annual Meeting. He regularly speaks for CBA/CLE, including all of the Hanging Your Shingle (now: Successfully Running and Launching Your Own Practice) programs. He serves as a National Steward for the Rocky Mountain Division of the Sports Car Club of America and is a member of the General Competition Rules Committee. He is Secretary and a Board Member for the Colorado Motorsports Hall of Fame. He enjoys cooking, which he does passably well, particularly when enjoyed with a nice wine (although not always in that order). Finally, he is an audiophile, enjoying a wide variety of music.