James S. Witwer
Davis Graham & Stubbs LLPJames Witwer, Esq., is Of Counsel at Davis Graham & Stubbs LLP in Denver. He received his B.A., magna cum laude, from Yale College, and he earned his J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law, where he served as articles editor of the University of Colorado Law Review and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Mr. Witwer represents business, municipal, and agricultural clients in the areas of water rights, eminent domain, public lands, and environmental law. He is author of "The Renewal of Authorizations to Divert Water on National Forests," 24 Colo. Law. 2363 (1995); and co-author of “Process Ado: Constitutional Notice Requirements Under the Water Right Determination and Administration Act Of 1969,” ___ U. Denver Water L. Rev. ___ (2020); "Statutory and Rule Changes to Water Court Practice," 38 Colo. Law. 53 (2009); "Whose Water? Meeting New Federal Demands for Water in Prior Appropriation States," 50 Rocky Mtn Min. L. Inst. § 22 (2004); and Acquiring, Using and Protecting Water in Colorado (Bradford Publishing 2011). He is the former chair of the Colorado Bar Association's Agricultural and Rural Law Section and of the Board of its Colorado Lawyer publication, and serves on the Colorado Supreme Court's Water Court Committee.