W. Terry . Ruckriegle

Mediator and Arbitrator
Honorable W. Terry Ruckriegle was appointed to the District Court in August 1984 and presided as Chief Judge of the Fifth Judicial District from 1994-2010.  He is Past-President of the Colorado Bar Association. Judge Ruckriegle received the Colorado Judicial Institute Judicial Excellence Award in 2010; was recognized as Distinguished Jurist by the Colorado Chapter of the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers; and in 2013, was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by the National Center for State Courts for his significant contributions to the justice system and support of the NCSC. Judge Ruckriegle recently received the 2017 Advancement of Justice Award from the National Judicial College for contributions throughout his career. Judge Ruckriegle instructs for local and national continuing legal and judicial education programs. He sat on the Board of Directors of the National Judicial College and Colorado Bar Continuing Legal Education Board from 2008-2014. He served as CBA delegate to the American Bar Association House of Delegates 2002-2011 and is currently Colorado State Delegate.  Judge Ruckriegle sits as a senior judge, statutory judge, special master, mediator and arbitrator. He handles every type of ADR case including civil and domestic mediation, special master cases;  commercial and construction arbitration as well as agri-chemical, contracts, domestic, real estate, probate and trust and estates.