David . Tollen

Sycamore Legal
David Tollen is a lawyer and the author of the ABA's bestselling manual, The Tech Contracts Handbook: Cloud Computing Agreements, Software Licenses, and Other IT Contracts for Lawyers and Businesspeople (ABA Publishing, IP Section 2015).  He practices law with Sycamore Legal, P.C., an IT and IP boutique law firm in San Francisco. There, he represents buyers and sellers in cloud computing agreements, software licenses, and other IT contracts. He also provides advice and assistance related to data security, e-commerce, privacy, and intellectual property. And he serves as an expert witness in litigation about IT contracts.  In addition, David is the founder of Tech Contracts Academy™, which provides training on IT contracts - for procurement officers, contract managers, and IT staff, as well as for lawyers. And he is an instructor at the U.C. Berkeley Law School, teaching IT contracts.  David graduated with honors from Harvard Law School and has degrees from Cambridge University and U.C. Berkeley. He has served as General Counsel of a publicly traded software company, as VP of Business Development with a profitable technology startup, and as an attorney with Morrison & Foerster. In his spare time, he writes educational fiction for young people, and he is the author of the multiple award-winner The Jericho River, An Adventure Through History.