Zachary S. Roeling
YouLaw Colorado, LLCZachary (Zac) S. Roeling, Esq., is an attorney, mediator, and the owner of YouLaw Colorado, LLC, where he offers a track record of informed and compassionate problem-solving for clients in the Denver Metro, Boulder, Fort Collins, and across Colorado. His practice starts with a customized approach to meet each client's unique needs. Zac strives to provide nuanced and efficient representation so parties can resolve their legal matter, move on, stay out of court, and avoid additional stress, heartache, and time and money spent. As a mediator, Zac assists with court-ordered mediations and for pro se couples before they file a case. As a planner, he drafts, negotiates, and reviews prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and other estate planning. He also represents select clients in litigation who meet his firm's criteria of mindfulness, integrity, and respect for the interests of all family members involved, often on a consulting or unbundled basis. Zac also serves as Collaborative Divorce Facilitator (CDF) and collaborative attorney for cases under the UCLA and a growing number of other cooperative or 'collaborative-light' processes. Zac has also earned a reputation as an educator for other attorneys who wish to shift their practice away from traditional litigation and conflict-driven services. He is a passionate voice in the growing chorus advocating diverse alternatives to traditional litigation that often misses the forest for the trees. His approach draws on ten years of experience litigating customary cases and contentious child custody issues (e.g., relocation, substance & personality disorders, special needs children) and high-end financial issues (e.g., business interests, idiosyncratic income, separate property & trust issues) at Colorado's premier domestic litigation firms; experience he uses to help families reach resolution outside the courtroom when possible. He maintains an extensive professional network, including accountants, financial planners, realtors, and therapists so his clients receive the right services from the right professionals. He serves on the Executive Council of the Family Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association, as the President of Colorado Collaborative Divorce Professionals (CCDP) as well as a Board Member for Metro Volunteer Lawyers (MVL) on behalf of the Denver Bar Association. He regularly presents and consults for a variety of organizations, both legal and non-legal, including divorce support groups and financial planning associations. He has been named a Colorado Super Lawyer Rising Star for seven consecutive years, including in 2024. He is a proud Colorado native (born and raised in Ft. Collins), an avid reader and writer, and a classically trained pianist. In 2009/10, he taught English to secondary school students just west of Paris before starting his legal career. He speaks fluent French and returns to France as often as his schedule allows. When he's not working, he spends time with his family - especially keeping his Golden Retriever, Zelda, from wreaking too much havoc at his home in Denver.