Gregory . Garvin

Office of the United States Trustee
Gregory Garvin, Esq., joined the United States Trustee Program in March 2008 as the Assistant United States Trustee for Colorado.   As the Assistant U.S. Trustee, Mr. Garvin is responsible for the administrative and legal management of the United States Trustee's Denver, CO office, including the supervision of personnel assigned to the office; the implementation of Program policies and priorities and enforcement strategies to combat fraud and abuse in the bankruptcy system; the administration of cases filed under chapters 7, 11,12, and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code; representing the U.S. Trustee in bankruptcy court; maintaining and supervising a panel of private trustees; and ensuring that violations of law are referred to the United States Attorney and federal law enforcement officials.  Prior to joining the U.S. Trustee Program, he was an attorney in private practice in Kansas City, Missouri, for 20 years.  His private practice focused on commercial litigation and bankruptcy matters, including representing debtors in Chapter 7 and 13 as well as individuals, small businesses and creditors in Chapter 11.   Mr. Garvin received his BS in Business Administration and JD from the University of Kansas in 1985 and 1988, respectively.  While in private practice and since joining the U.S. Trustee Program, Mr. Garvin has been a frequent speaker on bankruptcy matters.