Ryan A. Kalamaya
Kalamaya | GoschaRyan Kalamaya, Esq., is the managing partner at Kalamaya | Goscha in Colorado, specializing in family law, criminal defense, and personal injury. The firm has offices in Aspen, Denver, Glenwood Springs, Edwards, and Boulder. A native of Longmont and a fifth-generation Coloradan, he graduated from the University of Colorado Law School. Known for his practical and creative approach, Ryan handles complex family law cases, including parental relocations, defending or challenging marital agreements, private businesses and trust interests, throughout the mountains and Denver/Boulder metro area. Ryan is an avid skier outside the courtroom and enjoys exploring Colorado's landscapes with his family. As a frequent presenter on domestic relations legal issues, Ryan covers various topics, including tracing separate property, using shadow/rebuttal experts, and common pitfalls for new family law attorneys. He has also discussed strategies for discovery in divorce proceedings. Together with Amy Goscha, Ryan co-hosts the Divorce at Altitude podcast, which focuses on the nuances of Colorado family law. They have also developed a free how-to video series on the divorce process, guiding viewers through initial disclosures, discovery, mediation, and parenting, property, and support issues.