Jennifer M. DiLalla
Moses Wittemyer Harrison & Woodruff PCJennifer M. DiLalla, Ph.D., Esq., is a second-career lawyer and a shareholder in the Boulder law firm of Moses, Wittemyer, Harrison and Woodruff, where she has practiced water law since 2011. She represents public and private clients in matters involving water court and appellate litigation; water transactions; adjudication and administration of water rights and plans for augmentation; ditch easement issues and associated civil litigation; municipal water planning and other municipal water issues; ground water, water quality, and drainage issues; and federal and state agency actions. Jennifer earned her B.A. in English with Highest Distinction from the University of Virginia; her M.A. and Ph.D. in English and American Literature from the Johns Hopkins University; and her J.D. from the University of Colorado School of Law. Following law school, she clerked for the Honorable David M. Ebel on the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit. Before attending law school, she spent eleven years as a college English professor, specializing in American literature before the Civil War; and as her clients and colleagues will attest, she's still happily assigning homework to this day. Jennifer's free time is devoted to her Virginia Cavaliers (Go 'Hoos!); her 1971 Cinquecento, Paolo; travel with her husband, Kent; reading; and her family.