Robyn E. McDonald

McDonald Mediation Group, LLC
Robyn McDonald, Esq., is an avid fly fisher, mediator and arbitrator in private practice since 2008 with McDonald Mediation Group, LLC and as a Contract Mediator with the Colorado State Office of Dispute Resolution. She is a licensed attorney in California for over thirty years, a former Judge Pro Tem in the Southern California County Courts, and in-house counsel in Colorado, pursuant to Rule 204.1 (Single Client Counsel Certification). She mediates extensively in Colorado and offers ADR services throughout the Rocky Mountain Region. She is Past President and a current Professional Member of the Mediation Association of Colorado, Chair of the First Judicial District Access to Justice Committee and a Member of the Self Help Working Group for the Colorado Justice for All Grant Planning Summit in 2017. Robyn specializes in high conflict dispute resolution in the civil, domestic, personal injury/product liability, HOA/homeowner, religious community and workplace environments, and is a trainer/coach/speaker for a variety of ADR/Mediation classes at the state and federal level. She is a Founding Member of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators, a member of the Modest Means Attorney List Super Committee, established by Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Nancy Rice, a member of the Jefferson County Mediation Services Advisory Committee and a Volunteer Mediator with the Jefferson County Mediation Services Program.