Beth . Lieberman LCSW

Beth Lieberman. LCSW
Beth Lieberman, LCSW received her Master's in Social Work from Bryn Mawr College in 1977 and has been in full-time private practice in Colorado Springs since 1983. For over twenty years, she has been performing Parental Responsibilities Evaluations, Special Advocate appointments, and Child and Family Investigations, as well as serving as Parent Coordinator, Decision-Maker, and Court-Appointed Therapist. She has served as President of the Colorado Springs chapters of the National Association of Social Workers and the Colorado Society for Clinical Social Work, and currently serves on the Fourth Judicial District Judicial Nomination Commission, the Steering Committee for the Colorado Springs Multidisciplinary Committee, and as Secretary of the Colorado Chapter of AFCC.    Ms. Lieberman has been a presenter at the Keystone and Steamboat Annual Family Law Institutes, and is a contributor to the “Parenting Plan Possibilities” handbook distributed to divorcing families in the Fourth Judicial District.