Marjorie L. Sant

Panorama Law Practice, LLC
Marjorie L. Sant, Esq., is an attorney at Panorama Law Practice, LLC where she practices water rights law. She is a graduate of The University of Colorado School of Law. Having grown up in Colorado, Marjorie is acutely aware of the vital importance of water rights and their operation in the state. She advises clients on all aspects of Colorado water rights, including applications to the water court for conditional and absolute water rights, changes of water rights, exchanges and augmentation plans, as well as actions before state administrative agencies. In addition, Marjorie routinely represents clients with regard to all aspects of transfers of water rights, including due diligence investigation, title review and proper documentation unique to water rights conveyance. She represents a wide range of clients, such as ditch companies, recreational interests, municipalities, special districts, energy providers and agricultural users. Marjorie routinely works with developers, municipal water providers, engineers and water administration officials. After graduation from law school, Marjorie worked as a law clerk to the Hon. Roger A. Klein, Water Judge for the Division 1 Water Court and Chief Judge of the 19th Judicial District where she provided substantial assistance preparing substantive court orders.