Reed F. Morris

Mallon Lonnquist Morris & Watrous PLLC
Reed Morris, Esq., is an active civil litigator and trial lawyer in Colorado. Reed has a broad range of experience in business and real estate disputes including practice in ADR venues and before administrative agencies and professional boards. His practice sees a wide array of civil and real estate disputes, including real estate contracts, boundary and easements disputes; payment and defects claims; and business disputes involving contract, employment, professional services, and business divorce. After working for an environmental nonprofit, Reed began his career in private practice in Steamboat Springs where he enjoyed regular opportunities to gain courtroom experience on a variety of civil matters. In 2012, Reed joined a small Denver business and real estate firm, becoming a partner in 2014 and continuing commercial litigation and trial work while advising clients in related business, regulatory, and real estate matters. When not lawyering, Reed keeps score at his kids’ sporting events and attempts to garden through spring snow, summer drought, and hail storms.