Bonnie S. Shields
Bonnie S Shields PCBonnie Shields, Esq., is a Colorado native. She has an Associates Degree in early childhood education and a Bachelor's Degree in psychology. She worked for several years as a paralegal doing family law and personal injury work and then decided to go to law school. She graduated from the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver in 2002. Since then, she has worked as a sole practitioner doing a mixture of family law and personal injury cases. She started doing CFI work in 2011 and has also added PCDM and mediation work to her caseload. Bonnie is a “musical theater geek” and enjoys performing with The Law Club, an organization of attorneys and judges that have been writing and performing shows teaching legal ethics for over 100 years. She is also a member of the Colorado Bar Association, the Arapahoe County Bar Association, MDIC (Metropolitan Denver Interdisciplinary Committee) and the AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts).