Michelle . Sylvain Esq

ADR Solutions, LLC - Mediation & Arbitration
Michelle Sylvain, Esq., is an attorney-mediator, arbitrator and conflict resolution coach with ADR Solutions Company, LLC, an alternative dispute resolution firm. She founded ADR Solutions to help parties effectively resolve disputes in family law, real estate, and other civil contract disputes in rural Colorado. She is a contract mediator with the Colorado Office of Dispute Resolution and helped create the online 5th Judicial Remote Mediation Project, a volunteer pilot project resolving small claims and civil disputes through the Colorado Judicial Department WebEx platform. She also created and managed one of the first Colorado Self-Help Centers for Self-Represented Litigants. Prior to founding her mediation practice, she had a private practice litigating real estate and contract cases, served as a tenure track law professor teaching real estate and contracts law, and served a decade with the Colorado Judicial Department as a Staff Attorney managing criminal, family law and real estate court dockets.  She is the immediate past chair of the ADR Section of the Colorado Bar Association. Currently, she also provides coaching and tools for the effective management of highly emotional conflict situations, and EDI.