Robin N. Amadei

Common Ground Mediation Center LLC
Robin Amadei, J.D., owns Common Ground Mediation and Coaching, LLC, Boulder, CO, a mediation, training, facilitation, workplace assessment and conflict coaching organization.  Robin's practice is focused primarily in the employment and business areas. Robin has been an adjunct professor at the University of Denver, teaching mediation and negotiation classes since 1994.  She provides training for individuals, corporations, and government in the areas of conflict management, negotiation, facilitation, mediation, conflict coaching and effective communication. Also, she has served as an Assessor/Executive Coach and Course Facilitator for the US Office of Personnel Management, Western Management Development Center since 2006. Robin is a published author in the field of mediation and teambuilding in organizations, is considered to be a leader in the dispute resolution community, and often serves as a mentor and coach for newer mediators.