Brian T. Campbell

Denver County Court
Honorable Brian Campbell is a Denver native who graduated from Thomas Jefferson High School in 1966, from Knox College in 1970, and CU College of Law in December, 1972.  He was a law clerk for one year for Colorado District Court Judge Fred M. Winner and practiced law as a civil litigator dealing with Taft-Hartley Trust Funds as an associate with the Denver law firm of Gorsuch, Kirgis. In 1980, he was appointed by Mayor William McNichols to the Denver County Court and has served in a variety of capacities including Presiding Judge from August, 1990 to January, 1993.  His forte has been specialty courts and he was the first judge assigned to the Environmental Court in 1984.  As presiding judge he reconstituted the Denver County Court divisions and established a restraining order court, one of the first in the nation dedicated exclusively to restraining orders. When the first judge in that division retired he took over.  In 2011, he was selected, by the committee charged with developing a sobriety court, to initiate the court. Over the past 3 years the court has graduated 156 individuals of which only 3 have reoffended so that the recidivism rate is less than 2%.   