Alice A. White

Onsager Fletcher Johnson Palmer LLC
Alice A. White, Esq., practices in the areas of commercial bankruptcy and insolvency, general business and transactions in Denver at Onsager | Fletcher |Johnson, a commercial bankruptcy and litigation boutique law firm.  She has represented debtors, trustees and creditors in bankruptcy and insolvency situations, and has been on both sides of numerous transactions involving the sale of assets and/or equity.  As a former mining law practitioner, she co-authored  Removal of an Operator from a Mining Joint Venture, published in the proceedings of the 37th Ann. Rocky Mtn. Min. Law Inst., 1991.  Ms. White also provides advice on non-profit governance, and has been an officer/member of many non-profit board of directors, including the Colorado Mountain Club, David Taylor Dance Theatre, Miner's Alley Playhouse and Evergreen Chamber Orchestra.