Christine A. Coates

Christine A. Coates, J.D., is an experienced attorney and now emphasizes ADR. She has been a dispute resolution professional since 1984 in private practice.  She currently provides mediation and parenting coordination services through the Colorado Office of Dispute Resolution and is a teacher, trainer, facilitator, coach and consultant. She is an adjunct professor of ADR at the University of Denver and has taught at the University of Colorado School of Law in family law and AD. Christie is a popular national speaker, trainer, author and consultant in conflict resolution, high-conflict personalities, parenting coordination, hybrid dispute resolution processes, professionalism, reflective practice, ethics, and law.  She has been active in many professional and community organizations throughout her career and has been honored for her work as a mediator, lawyer and child advocate.  Most recently, she received the coveted President's Award as well as the John Van Duzer Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, an international interdisciplinary organization, the prestigious 2011 John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award from the international Association for Conflict Resolution and the 2013 Community Service Award from Boulder IDC.  She co-authored Working with High Conflict Families of Divorce (Jason Aronson, 2001) and Learning from Divorce  (Jossey-Bass), 2003.  