Bill . Ritter

State of Colorado
Bill Ritter Jr., is the Director of the Center for the New Energy Economy at Colorado State University. The Center works directly with governors, legislators, regulators, and policymakers to provide technical assistance in creating policies and practices that will facilitate America's transition to a clean-energy economy. Ritter was elected as Colorado's 41st governor in 2006.  During his 4 year term, Ritter established Colorado as a national and international leader in clean energy by building a New Energy Economy in the state.  As a result of that work, Colorado created thousands of new jobs and established hundreds of new companies.  In total, Governor Ritter signed 57 clean energy bills into law including a 30% Renewable Portfolio Standard and the nation's first statutory plan to convert aging coal units to natural gas. Ritter is a member of the Board of the Directors of the Energy Foundation; and also a Senior Fellow and member of the Board of Directors of the Advanced Energy Economy Institute.